Saturday, December 21, 2019

Quiz Are You Thriving or Merely Surviving

Quiz Are You Thriving or Merely SurvivingQuiz Are You Thriving or Merely SurvivingTake this self-assessment for a clearer picture of your job satisfaction.Be honest. Are you ending each evening just happy to have made it through another day? Well, you dont have to live in a less than optimal state of being. In the last decade, there has been an explosion of research on what helps people thrive, even in difficult times such as a job search.This quiz gives you a chance to assess how you are faring in activities that contribute significantly to well-being. Tell yourself the truth1. I do 30 minutes of aerobic exercise a day.1 2 3Rarely Sometimes Frequently2. I stop and notice whats right in my life.1 2 3Rarely Sometimes Frequently3. I make mistakes and acknowledge them freely.1 2 3Rarely Sometimes Frequently4. I meditate eight to 10 minutes per day.1 2 3Rarely Sometimes Frequently5. When things dont go my way, I search for what I can control in the situation.1 2 3Rarely Sometimes Frequen tly6. When I encounter a personal or professional challenge, I see it as an opportunity to grow.1 2 3Rarely Sometimes Frequently7. I have friends with whom I spend time that I truly enjoy.1 2 3Rarely Sometimes Frequently8. I feel like my life has a higher purpose.1 2 3Rarely Sometimes Frequently9. I have the chance to use my gifts and talents daily.1 2 3Rarely Sometimes Frequently10. I engage passionately in interests that make time disappear. 1 2 3Rarely Sometimes FrequentlyScoringIdeally, you answered Frequently to each of these statements. Read below to discover the importance of each factor to living a vibrant, happy life. Ive even included references if you want to work on those that you scored Rarely or Sometimes.1. Aerobics has been shown to promote brain health as well as keep our bodies healthy. And brand-new research shows that 30 minutes is an extremely effective antidepressant. For more on brain health and discoveries, look at Daniel Amens Web site . Gratitude research is hot Its been shown to increase life satisfaction, energy, and better health and sleep. Check out Robert Emmons book Thanks.3. People who admit mistakes are more likely to fulfill their potential and experience greater success. Stanford researcher Carol Dwecks book Mindsetdescribes this and other factors regarding the relationship between how we think and how well we do.4. UCLA Mindfulness Institute and others have discovered that in as little as eight to 10 minutes a day, meditation can increase focus, concentration, better sleep and improved mood. If you want a deep dive in what meditation can do for you, read Daniel Siegels book The Mindful Brain.5, 6, 7, 8. After analyzing over 400 studies, resiliency experts Suzanne Kobasa and Salvatore Maddi found that those who thrive in difficulty monitor 3 CsChallenge They saw whatever change befell them as a chance to grow and learn and expressed optimism about the future.Control They believed they could influence th eir lives and the events around them for the better and took actions to make that true. Rather than falling into passivity, they looked for the things they could control and worked on those. They embodied the Serenity Prayer used at AA and other 12-step programs Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.Commitment They were passionate about life and saw it as having a deeper meaning than just survival. They stayed connected to people and events even when times got hard.9. Research on 2 million people by the Gallup organization has revealed that when we have a chance to use our strengths every day, we create excellence and feel fulfilled. Their bestseller Now Discover Your Strengthsis focused on business, but you can use your talents more in any circumstance.10. Psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyis research has revealed that what makes an experience truly satisfying is a state called flow , in which time disappears and you have a sense that all of yourself is involved. His book Flowdescribes this state in detail, why it helps us thrive and how to achieve it more often.

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